The Olympic flame has since been put out, and the closing ceremony concluded.
Most of the event grounds and volunteers have returned to their normal lives.
And me, i gotta miss working with them..
Its been a long while since I worked alongside hierarchy-free conditions, and everyone there felt so warmth and hosting - friends i shall say. Expressing concerns out, no bossing, and having a good time watching the game..
sigh, my impression of the yog had changed too.. Initially was thinking why the hell the govt spend so much on all this, and ppl who volunteer are really sian.. But then, thinking back, its the what-they-say Olympic experience that counts and I experienced that wholesome goodness. Also, the spendings goes to paying our salaries and contractors which comes back in a circle to economy..
Cheers people, and to the SKW group, gotta meet up again soon too.. :)
Time flies also boy!
Its now 28 August 2010.
3 weeks from now and I'll be heading for north again. This time, a whirlwind tour with a combo of climbing and food.. I seriously look forward to it, travelling on a backpack for 2 weeks; switching your bases, washing your own clothes, sleeping on the bus, eating fuss-free hawker food.. woohoo!
Then.. after that its check-in to Tekong resort.. Sigh, the long wait till enlistment has kinda made me lose enthusiasm.. I hope it doesnt reaches the point when I start to dread the feeling.
I'm also getting used to my kind of carefree lifestyle now.. everyday's like a holiday, wonder if I'll get tuned to army life or even that of a working adult? even so, what career path?