Soo set off.. took svc 53, crap man e aircon was at 1st nice nice de.. Den dunno wad happen at pasir ris it got hotter , n had tis funny smell i thot somnebody farted or wad.. onli den realised tt outside e bus was lik freaking smoky which was coming frm e engines.. lols! But wad i reali appreciated is e driver's attitude, he apologised to ALL e passengers.. No joke man, n flagged e coming bus.. *gd, reali gd..
Reached T3, bought ticks to e transit hall area.. walau its damn nice sei.. i reali luv e architecture of e roof man.. walked ard e terminal building, all i can say "its an engineering marvel", onli part i dunlike is e viewing mall gt tis blinds blocking e view, so irritating.. ~anw, i'm wondering when wld be e time i board a plane frm tis terminal?.. A380 mayb?
Skytrain to T2, lunch @Fish & Co.. hahas, aft such a long long time finally a chance to eat there.. lols..
Aft lunch, bro n parents were heading hm, but since was in e area thot i meet derrick n stan visit e sitex show baa, which obviously turned out to be a total sian-ed feel.. well, firstly e area is so cramped n crowded.. secondly, e arrangements of e booth were lik same co, few booths all over e place.. hais..
Ltr headed to bedok 4 break.. hahas, sherwin came n ordered e watermelon ice.. wakao sia, $5 n u get lik 4 person share.. lols.. worth it man.. =D
Sch tml.. Aii, feel so erm erm.. hais 4get it cant think of a word..

Uniquely Singapore de lei.. =D

Nice huh? got tree to hug in e middle of e viewing area..

Calling all SIA premium passengers.. yea tts me.. =D
Romeo &
Juliet?.. wahahahs..

~yeah yeah.. wall of hearbeat..