Tis is real ridiculous man.. SOmehow somewad i jus cannot figure out why is it possible 4 one to do well in tests when e status was 'away' 70% of e time during class? or worse still not physically present 4 e class.. & yet at e end of e day end results got tis fucking high score.. as compared to one tt IS present & 'online' all e time.. is tis called a darn sheer luck?.. or wad.. =.=
Ok, put it in a nice way its envious, put it in a bad way its jealously.. YES, i m so fucking pissed wif myself when i got back e math paper ytd.. 33%!
WTF x10.. =( & rest of e class is wad 75 80 90 100marks?.. i jus felt total Humilation, humilation aft i've set a goal to
not sleep nor skip class tis sem unnecessarily.. So much so 4 e hardwork, + i m damn freaking on time mostly! i m reali stunned, sometimes i jus felt utterly dumb , jus wad in e world m i gd at huh?..
Semestral exam's approaching quick n fast.. can karma pls be pleasant?..
Oh well, i m breaking e "no-pon" lesson stream tml.. hahas, gona be piah-ing along e coast of malaysia.. cus of several major cock-up in e pengarang routing..
Thank goodness my cam's up n running agn, jus received a sms tis aftnoon.. yeah~