Came back spore, n e kuku weihong needta work so left me lard yuhui n JJ.. cycled frm changi beach all e way til gt tis new park connector tt runs parallel to e airport runway.. Took a break there whereby e view was obviously magnificant de lor.. walau ehh, i dun mind i sit there to study de.. hehes..
Decided turn back instead of goin ECP cus running out of time.. But chanced upon tis lilo offroad trail.. Turned in 4 exploration n e view there was damn nice de la.. lalang filled on both sides, muddy soil.. i thot onli malaysia still got tis kindof view or at least punggol.. Ola, nice de lor.. Den on e way back, got tis muddy slope, thot of riding down it, n guess wad?.. bcus of tt dumb move e seat of e bike broke.. LOLS!.. mus thank yuhui of helping me ride back standing!.
2day had kayaking.. starting was nua-nua de, den aft tt got jiayao teach me e hip flip + balanta.. Wasei, e feeling is superly great de lor, aft u managed flip e kayak frm capsized position up.. zai ahh! PM got tis new floating platoon, hahas super fun playing ard there, doin videos tis tt.. hahahs..
Evening time hadta go 4 e SP global culture performance.. was abit reluctant go la, but aft awhile found out tt its acty v nice to watch de lor.. esp e dance items, drums n ensembles.. aiya All la.. superly zai man, luv e angklong thingy.. ~blown me away man..