Wednesday 14 December 2011
deja vuu /08:49

Growing up, had always thought of myself as being lucky. That when I do activities, never had to deal with sprained legs, broken bones, fracture, nothing extravagant. Only the occasional cuts and bruises. Was envious of friends that got hurt along the way and even had thoughts of myself to be injured, to be hospitalised..
Then, 2011. My luck ran out and what I did saw was deja vuu indeed. The year I turned 21, the key to adulthood, my prime.

Its frustrating to cope with this pain, and to root of it all, denied ability to do what you want. Also comes the stress of being accountable to it all. I'm really tired; constantly question myself what to do, how to do..

Then comes the part of treatment, conventional vs non conventional.. Having my thoughts initially fixed on surgery getting it over and done with in a month, the conventional approach. But I'm scared of getting under the knife and also the bloody risks aft it. It may also lead to complications and relapse too.. Hais, that's one. And the other's the non conventional, chiropractic; which attempts to solve the issue at the root of it all. But, its a foggy path ahead and that I really gotta put trust in the physician and convincing the army.

Sigh, may 2012 be a better year please. Let me ord, let me go travel.