Sunday, 3 January 2010
030110 /23:12

Happy New Year everyone.
i ushered in the new year at home tis year, wishing mom & dad 1st; Sweet.
den crashed over at derrick's place watching 24, i'm sorry i snored guys. haha.

well, that was 010110.

Tomorrow's the day school reopens for many & for some its ground-zero to prepare for their exhibitions at spinnovex.
For me; its just an extended week of vacation w/o any aims & concrete plans nor excitement.
Irony as it sounds, I would seriously prefer to have the latter option; it sucks to be not involved in the one big event of your diploma life. hais. long story to begin with, but no point crying over spilled milk.

Tommorow also marks the beginning of my last term in SP. 2mths later i would be more-or-less out of sch.
Dang! Goodbyes always do not go well with me, in fact i hate them. its like integrating sth into ur life and having to change all of that again.. but to think of it, to not let go means to not move forward... so ya.
i'm still facing a blank horizon now, no idea where to move my next chess piece, the moment i put on that robe and receive that document in april/may.
Uni? Obs? work, as wad? travel industry?
well, thats aft the following 2years frm now.

That's gonna be one damn big decision to make man. and one to ponder alot; which means more grey hair soon.

Dear frens, can we meet up soon? to plan a trip to somewhere, get away fr reality.
Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah, Bali, Osaka, Siem Reap, Gold Coast, Maldives... so on & so forth