~its sad, so sad. Its a sad,sad situation.. What i gotta do?..
Elton John, whoo.. marvel..
~true. real Did some cleaning 2day.. its kinda nice to dig up those things tt i used to kept as a child n remincing those moments.. its great laa..
Dust is a general name for minute solid particles with diameters less than 500 micrometers . hahas. Dust n chow's nose is jus lik water n oil, dey shdnt mix. when mix, hahas.. syndromes include long term runny nose, headaches, sleepy, sian..
its irks me reali.. me doing w/o thinking.. lik wad weida once told me, being rash isnt always goin to solve problems but bring more problems. haiss, wish i had tt solidfy inside one of tt million neurons inside my brain.. =(