Hahas, ton-ing in sch another nite [to mug].. =D
cold weather hadnt been doin much gd though i m loving e misty cold feel..
Well, lets see.. since all's in e open hse fever, mayb i shd post smthing abt tis wise old lady SP whom is 50yrs old now.. a yr ago i rmbred was one of e many hoping frm polys to polys having a lilo hard time deciding on e course.. SP's gd bcus.. got mac n kfc? hahahs, crap la tts more an incentive baa, more or less its bcus of e experience i supposed & i rmbred e tour guide were one of e friendly ones other than TP.. lols, hmm, though NP was 1st choice ,i didnt regret it here at all.. =P hahas..
~had jus been thinking:is my intuition correct?.. hmm, guess takin a step a day..