Hello peeps.
Welcome to 2008!..

Ok lets see.. I welcomed the new yr in front of fullerton, watching a full 8mins fireworks.. tgt wif amazing ppl [JJ, weihong, Yuhui, Mongying, Felicia, Angela]..
Followed suit was a full bonded session of hugging.. hahahhas.. thot of it jus seemed so "nice"?.. i jus thot of e scene frm Pirates when Will & Elizabeth kissed despite e fightings n chaos goin on ard them.. Basically e 4 guys were erm ya holding hands while da gals were within e circle.. & we jus stood there in e middle of e road while e rest were pushing jostling blah blah.. hahahas, quite nice if u were to look at it frm a big angle.. =D
N oh yes, tis is damn coincidence!.. We ended 2007 wif a meal n we started 2008 wif a meal too!.. Hahas, zun sia..
Spent e nite walking ard boat quay area b4 settling at clarke quay watching the G-Max swinging ppl along the opposite side of the river.. hahahs, hmm, sounds nice to be trying it but yea havta see whether my lunch was left up there on the start of the swing.. lols
Daybreak.. we all wenta mac 4 breakfast.. hahahs, see yet another meal.. & on e way to the MRT u can basically see the litter n stuff all over the place, hais so much 4 green spore aye?.. reached hougang met e guys 4 yakun.. hmm, drank tea onli..
Home n bathe den head out to gramps hse 4 lunch.. hahahs.. =)
Chow's resolutions 4 tis great yr
1) to save money, cutting down on unnecessary expenses.
2) pay more attn in class n sustain my grades, increase not decrease.
3) Be more tonned,
4) More self independent
5) my family n frens to stay happy n healthy
6) To go on a much awaited vacation wif frens..