~Luv tis pic! damn classic sei.. =p
Sat was bro's bday!.. Happy birthday Hon.. hahas, though i doubt we wld see it here either.. lols, anw, on that day met wif yao to attend the bike expo @yea spore expo.. hahas, the place was nice la but nt alot of ppl present 4 an area of that size. saw quite a no of nice bikes but were supremely too ex.. N the bike stunts performance were nice too, woa jumping leaping etc..
Nitetime went safra tampines wif mom dad n bro to celebrate bro's big day.. Ate at sakura, n yea i guess i ate too much at one go or smthing, had tis damn bloated stomach all e way back home.. tsk tsk, so much 4 a buffet spread.. =(
Sunday! hahas thats e BEST lahh.. Despite having to wake up @530am & reaching clementi @0720 it was totally worth it. =D Wenta sch 1st take e transponder frm club den headed to clementi met e rest b4 heading to PM.. Arrival liao, den str away did e standard procedures to check if e boats were sea-worthy.. We were launching 3 power boats 1 civil boat tgt wif SP Sailing.. Despite the rain coming to delay the departure, it still went on n thank goodness 4 e continous sunshine ltr on, i m sure every1 was darkened either how..
N then we were off!
Starting all boats had ta go slow bcus 2 of them yet to fully test out their motors. Gradually the trottle increased n i got my chance to drive it too.til abt 15knots if i m nt wrong at tt time.. We headed all e way down to the south most point in spore waters - Raffles Lighthse.. then made a loop ard b4 berthing @sister's island 4 lunch..
Sister's island is much similar to hantu which we went 4 SIKE last yr.. 1 paved path 1 toilet.. hahas.. n the rocks there were super nice to chill ard.. Aft lunch we hadta swop boats wif cyn dey all. so we ended up taking the civil boat back.. 1 fact is 4 sure, lik wad yao told me: that boat is nt 4 human travel.. yeah u were right man.. Did tried my hand steering it, omg its damn bad. once gt wave hit means it wld b blob-ing ard jus lik a rubber duck in ur bathtub.. - ltr den did i noe the boat is unstable bcus it was too light, its meant 4 carrying heavy stuff..
Headed to kusu island 4 a short pit-stop, its darn serene there can see those big big yachts lik in casino royale dock there, ppl sunbathing on its deck, fishing etc.. damn cool~ n i m sure someone got quite excited when i told her abt e boats.. =)
Aft tt headed back towards PM. On e way passed sentosa too.. hehes, its real fun speeding by those lovely beaches on the open sea.. N yea we reached max trottle on the civil boat which was ard 22 knots when i checked. we were lik peas on a hot pot, bumping up n down, left n right. Some stuff happened which i shadnt elaborate further. Anw, reached back to West coast waters n swop boats wif e sailing ppl.. ahh, so glad to be on e power boat, had fun chasing waves n oso tried berthing but nt too gd at it, well will work harder on it..
Recovered den wash up as the sun was setting down. That is always a beautiful scene, watching the sun-setting aft a day out at sea.. Mamma-Mia.. Dinner @botak jones. Woa, filling n superb!.. =D
~totally a day of fun in the sea n the sun.
2day, sch start liao.. glad that 20 of us remained in the same class. 2A03. 1st part was ok, managed to tahan. Den aft lunch had mass lecture 4 my 1st time. Waa, seriously the lecturer was lik going on n on during his introduction to e module part, til i lik dozed off.. somemore still in 1st row!! Lucky 2nd part abt e teaching, i stayed awake by copying notes. Seriously its a damn energy consuming task.. Jus checked tis sem modules all 5 credit unit de, wasian cant ji siao siao liao le.. ~ Wutala Wutala.. =)