Well yea, back frm SIKE 07.. [Southern Islands Kayaking Expediton]
on sat met up wif my working comm peeps tgt wif yuhui, weihong n angela at clementi b4 heading over to poly marina.. half went ta get food 4 expedition while e rest of us went to prepare equipment. Basically whole aftnoon was cleaning tents, n wrapping motivational food 4 participants.. Aft all was done, wenta hav fun kayaking at low tide, quite fun cus gt tis nice area we were practically able to stand on e sea bed alr!..
Nitefall, went out makan at clementi b4 fetching e participants at clementi mrt. Everyone got a lilo high.. back to pm, did briefing, den ice-breaking which was abt e fun part la. Lights out den ha our own debrief, decided to pitch a tent 4 us working comm to slp.. hahas, kindof in e middle of e road la..
Sun, woke up early to prepare breakfast 4 all.. den came e rather chaotic part cus equipment were being taken out n at e same time needed to load onto equipement boat 4 departure. anw, tt was done, n me n thomas left 4 hantu early wif e equipment.. reached hantu lik damn early la, n e island was deserted so we were lik drinking milo to our pleasure. Found some coconut which i thot were "crackable" but took damn freaking long to shove n cut e damn husk, which til in e end still remained tough.. =(
e rest of them arrived on time at ard 2+ in e aftnoon, which was quite early i thot.. den pitch tents n set up cooking area.. Den came e rain.. lucky it subside or else cant jetty jump liao.. But it freaking came back agn, so hadta withdraw everyone to tents. we started on e cooking while e participants took a break. was rather stressed at e cook area cus it was getting dark n running out of time at e same time.. Kudos to everyone there tt ensured its running.. Nvrtheless, we had our own share of fun alongside e cooking part..
e wet weather didnt reali dampen e atmposhere, as all got high at camplight.. Washed out den back to tents lights out... the worse came ard an hr or so later.. there was tis fucking strong wind followed by thunderstorn n rain.. our tentage was lik freaking swaying frm left to right on e verge of being blown off! definitely one e worst tropical storms i experienced, now i noe how ppl affected by e tsunami were feeling.. Unfortunately, one of e participants' tents gav way n ushered all to e jetty 4 shelter.. N "chilling cold to e bone" was e phrase to describe e feeling we had waiting out e storm, e winds were howling + e breeze was brrr..
Much of e nite (or morning) is spent at e jetty, wanting to slp but obviously unable to.. =( Daybreak hadta clean up aft e aftermath.. m proud to say e onli "stable" tent left standing was ours.. reali brought a lilo smile to me when i saw e particiapants readily wanting to help esp kudos to e gals.. Not of me being biased, but seriously i felt e gals were more enthu n stuff den e guys, somehow.. Breakfast, while we were scruffying ard to meet e departure time..
Return trip, thomas was TL n i ATL.. which means single kayak 4 us.. Seriously by time we all reach e 1st raft-up location frm hantu, i was punctured alr.. Following suit, think i lost my pacing or smthing, damn buang liao.. frm e front was drifting all e way to e back, n e strokes i made were gg.. frm afar e end point appeared damn near, on e contrary it took awhile to arrive.. damn bad an ATL i m sia..
Pitched-up,wash kayaks n stuff.. can see most of us comm were half buang liao.. new found respect 4 all.. here's a toast to all!.. Overall, it was a 1st sucessful planned expedition by us, despite e hiccups, e weather, etc.. Do hope tt e participants enjoyed e trip.. =D

Lee Kp, Lard, Chow


how damn low tide e lagoon is at hantu sia!

specatacular view frm poly marina man..