DE lab was a breeze!.. Click, Check, On, Tick, Tag, Done.. Yay!.. Nice work, thanks sean n bertrand 4 helping me out b4 e test.. =D
Also thanks sean 4 getting e NFS n transformers.. hmm, do hope it works out..
~Hais, why isit that good fine days always end up "not-so-greatly"?..
Stupid blogger dunno why cant let me showcase my fine example of my DE circuits?.. LTA shd take a leaf out of my book sia...
N another persistant problems.. Not one day will go by w/o something to think abt spore's public transport (usually on e bad side).. Idiot 74 took me lik ages to get home, bus goin spoil le sia, can onli go 2nd gear.. toots.. =( *my headset spoil somemore..
_Now here's another diliema i hate.. Decisions that are always equal on both ends of e see-saw.. Arghh..
Wants vs
Wad's e most rational?..