Arghh.. Last paper = Disaster.. Da chuo te chuo!!.. Stupid examiner set all e complex no tgt wif exponential eqns.. Darn it, e topic that i skipped n it came out all over e paper.. idiot.. ok, better nt cond ranting abt it.
Anw, glad e exams are finally OVER.. woa, holiday time.. aft papers went play pool at clementi tgt wif sherwin derrick n sebest tgt wif class peeps..
Played awhile b4 heading to marina south steamboat.. kinda class gathering la got sean, me, wenling, jon, shijun lor.. others cant make it.. mm, e food was nice sia, hadnt ate steamboat 4 sometime alr.. heex.. =p
Decided to take a stroll back to mrt station.. hahas, nice walking in e dark, n discovering those hidden construction sites.. muhahas.. hu noes it may changed next time alr...

We OWNED the road.. ahh so lovely..

Taking a nap aft dinner.. SMRT didnt mind us taking valuable space..

Or doin pull-ups to digest ur food?..
oh ya thanks wenling upload e pics.. merely copy pasted.. hahas..
~N yea, changed e music playing alr.. thot of watching rat race, anybody has?.. cant find..