Arghh! how careless can i be tis term.. got onli that darn 50/100 for programming!.. i was hoping to score at least 60 n above lor, considering i piah hard 4 it.. darn it, looking thru those mcqs gave me shocks man.. So many freaking errors, shd reali wack myself on e head.. =(
Afr sch wenta AMK hub wanting to play pool cus cant decide on where to go.. ended up we jus walked ard e mall window shop n chat.. Lucky i aint lik jon n shijun stay so far.. lols..
~Had tis random thot 2day on e way home.. Who is the one exactly controlling society nowadays?.. Isit jus becus u hav guns or handcuffs that giv u e power to boss ard.. Or isit those guys in suits n polished boots calling e shots.. So wad does that makes of us in e middle then?.. Power-status can be so fucking one-sided.. Aint there any kinda QC?.. =(

Tis is rather ironic does it?.. Muhahaha.. =D