Hoho!.. so long didnt check in liao - was darn tired yet enjoyed LOTS of it 4 e past few days laa!.. everyday was come home bath sleep den wake up change n go out liao!.. v hectic yea.. But sadly, i didnt meet 100 sales laa.. if that happens i wld jump alr liao..
Wed 7 mar - nth much lor, except went 4 splendours @simei ITE la, looks v magestic n nice la, can mistake 4 a uni almost le.. performance was gd!.. esp band n drama laa.. but e band nt up t standard la, some parts wrong la!.. funny thing ah, since our batch graduate, all cca lik double le, e guy fr choir gg la.. 2 thumbs up 4 him!.. Finished concert n aft e dily-daly @Tp mall, got hm via cab, luckily surcharge haven start yet..
Thurs - Woke up bright n early t prepare 4 work, n as u noe is oso my 1st time doin tis promoter job la.. Arrived suntec @1015 n got into exhibition area t get ready.. Lucky 4 me, there r other 1st-timers oso present, n clicked easily.. We're all 1 big family there as MOST of e promoters r under e same co - Nikon, Olympus, Samsung, Pentax, Fuji.. Show started wif bang, n i screwed my 1st cust lor, shaking his head all e way, stupid guy!.. All but two of our nikon promoters were guys n so e same 4 all exhibitions, there will b models ard t promote each of their company's product n boo-wee, every1's attn sure changed man!. felt HOT all of a sudden, n gt e urgency t sell goods!.. total sales, 9 onli.. booo..
Fri- woke feeling seiake, mus b late dinner + exhaustion.. Dressed n left liao, but didnt got my pass along wif me, so gotta wait 4 some1 t bring me in n e meantime, chat wif e olympus guy n golly, their sales was lower than Nikon on day1 n t think we tio kan by andy tt we nt performing.. Got time t chat wif a promoter hu's standing in 4 her sis's bf, both of them were e onli 2 gals in our team.. wo, she's same age as me!.. surprising, n is aiming 4 design sch @tp, all e best rina!.. Helped close a sales 4 her too, as she's new-comer too laa.. but too bad, didnt got chance ask her no or smthing, so t keep in contact laa.. + i m owed a sale.. total sales : 8.. yucks..
Sat- sherwin's joining us 2day!.. crowd got worse 2day sia!.. but nt 4 sales, was rather slow-moving initially but soon pick-up t such a break-neck pace by 7pm our stock's left wif onli 2 mid-range models.. every1 slacken n started fooling ard n even joked wif olympus's DJ, throwing paper-planes @them.. hehe.. n as guys wld b guys wif nth better t do, we look ard 4 e other co's models.. but every1 agreed tt Nikon's foursome is still e BEST laa!.. so hot,cute,spunky sei!.. e thot of them ah... GG sia!..Oso thanks LOADS t jing n kc(KIND SOULS)4 turning up t support us via much effort navigating e crowded area! v much appreciated, though there isnt time t reali chat laa!.. thanks t kong n his mom 4 bumping into us @e fair, nx time mus wait til got IT show den buy e cam frm me ma! Closing time alr, n andy came out t praise us on 2day's gd progress, n every1 cheered thinking tml can pang gang alr.. but tt's e prob, he wana us push out ALL e other 2 cam models tml.. n told us e comm will increase n asked of we need anything... 1 of e guys joked n asked : U bring in some more models tml laa, help us promote, tml we confirm clear every box 4 u!.. teehee, how true wld tt b..total sales :11..
Sun- Last day of show alr, n wif onli 2 models left in stock t sell, i wonder how its gona clear-out.. managed walk ard e show n found its same-same 4 other co, all hav linited stock left.. went over samsung n chat wif some of them, haha.. dey still got quite alot left lor... n heyhey. found out tt antony yiwen fabian n px oso working @e show @lenovo's booth!.. wad a small world, didnt realised til last day!.. show started quickly n very very lucky me sia, met an angmo as i was slacking at e counter.. I want 1 D80 (an SLR model btw, super high end $2288).. i replied 1 sir, visa?.. yea yea.. wow! shiok sia!.. dunno comm how much tis 1.. rest of e day was spent trying promote e 2 mid range models lor, n oso cocking ard regarding e models.. hehex.. n slacking guys dunno y drink so much water oso?!.. 4 whole cartons was consumed by e 20 of us!.. ola!.. 9pm, end of IT show 07 liao.. will miss e gd time we spent together as a team 4 e past few days, but no sweat, there's kinda 4 shows per yr, so a gd chance we'll meet up sometiime ltr again lor.. total sales 4 sun: 13!.. yay, finally got improve liao..

Nikon Professional - e no 1 selling brand in spore..

The other side of e tough Nikon camera.
HOT SPICY CHIC!.. yea!.. =P
(PS: photo nt taken by me hor!)
I'm e IT show pass holder.. hehe..
Proud of it!..